change is in the air,
Another year is over, and a new decade has begun! 2019 was an eventful year, and we would like to share an overview of what we were able to accomplish with your help.
In February we hosted a screening of Fatal Flaws at Salmon Arm Classic Theatre.
In May we hosted Mike Schouten - Director of Advocacy at Association for Reformed Political Action at ARPA Canada. He spoke at Five Corners Church on 'Our Diminishing Democracy', and also had a luncheon at Living Water's Church. He talked about engaging in politics and his work with the 'We Need A Law' campaign.
On June 1st we had our annual Hike For Life, where we hiked from Salmon Arm Wharf to Mcguire Lake and back with signs, pro-life teeshirts, a banner, and balloons.
After the local theatre decided to show Unplanned, some of the employees received threats, so the movie was cancelled. However, this started conversations about abortion, as it was reported in the news and several letters to the editor were also published.
We decided to bring Unplanned to Salmon Arm ourselves, and in August we had three showings, on August 24th and 25th. There was a good attendance, on the last night it was shown, people were lined up down the street to get their tickets. We started half an hour late, as it took longer than expected for everyone to get their tickets and find seats. The movie was very moving, and we provided information and pamphlets for people to look at as they came in and out of the theatre.
In September we had our booth at the Salmon Arm Fall Fair, with informational pamphlets on abortion and euthanasia, a fetal development display, and a pregnancy trimester display.
Later that month we had a flag display at Five Corner's Pentecostal Church, where volunteers put up 10,000 pink and blue flags which each represented 10 babies which are killed by abortion every year in Canada. There was a big banner at the intersection which read, "100,000 babies are killed by abortion Annually" with an illustration of an unborn baby. The display was up all day, with people stopping by to take photos, and many cars driving by.

On October 6th we had our annual Life Chain, with around 150 people attending. It was a beautiful sunny day, and lots of traffic passing by on the highway got to see our signs. For the first time, we were able to get a photo from it into the local newspaper!
We brought Unplanned back to Salmon Arm in October for another showing for those who weren't able to make it to the previous showings or who wanted to see it a second time.
On November 5th we had our Annual General Meeting, with guest speaker Ben Matychuk from Campus Life Network. He shared information about the work the CLN does on campuses across the country, the methods of sharing the pro-life message with others, the responses they are getting, and the pro-life groups being started. He also spoke at King's Christian School in Salmon Arm.
Later in November we were able to send one of our members to the 'Change is in the Air 2019 National Pro-Life Conference' in Calgary. Many speakers were featured, including Cameron Cote, Laura Klassen, Christina Hagan, Natalie Sonnen, Alissa Golob, Mike Schouten, Justina Van Manen, Justin Van Maren, and others. She brought back full notes from all the workshops and speakers which are available for anyone who would like them! Please send us an email, or Facebook message if you are interested.
Thank you all for your continued support over the year. Without our members who volunteered, we would not have been able to put on these events and displays. We pray that minds and hearts were touched and that in this new year we will see an end to abortion.
2019 | Year in Review
Another year is over, and a new decade has begun! 2019 was an eventful year, and we would like to share an overview of what we were able to accomplish with your help.
In February we hosted a screening of Fatal Flaws at Salmon Arm Classic Theatre.
In May we hosted Mike Schouten - Director of Advocacy at Association for Reformed Political Action at ARPA Canada. He spoke at Five Corners Church on 'Our Diminishing Democracy', and also had a luncheon at Living Water's Church. He talked about engaging in politics and his work with the 'We Need A Law' campaign.
On June 1st we had our annual Hike For Life, where we hiked from Salmon Arm Wharf to Mcguire Lake and back with signs, pro-life teeshirts, a banner, and balloons.
After the local theatre decided to show Unplanned, some of the employees received threats, so the movie was cancelled. However, this started conversations about abortion, as it was reported in the news and several letters to the editor were also published.
We decided to bring Unplanned to Salmon Arm ourselves, and in August we had three showings, on August 24th and 25th. There was a good attendance, on the last night it was shown, people were lined up down the street to get their tickets. We started half an hour late, as it took longer than expected for everyone to get their tickets and find seats. The movie was very moving, and we provided information and pamphlets for people to look at as they came in and out of the theatre.
In September we had our booth at the Salmon Arm Fall Fair, with informational pamphlets on abortion and euthanasia, a fetal development display, and a pregnancy trimester display.
Later that month we had a flag display at Five Corner's Pentecostal Church, where volunteers put up 10,000 pink and blue flags which each represented 10 babies which are killed by abortion every year in Canada. There was a big banner at the intersection which read, "100,000 babies are killed by abortion Annually" with an illustration of an unborn baby. The display was up all day, with people stopping by to take photos, and many cars driving by.

On October 6th we had our annual Life Chain, with around 150 people attending. It was a beautiful sunny day, and lots of traffic passing by on the highway got to see our signs. For the first time, we were able to get a photo from it into the local newspaper!
We brought Unplanned back to Salmon Arm in October for another showing for those who weren't able to make it to the previous showings or who wanted to see it a second time.
On November 5th we had our Annual General Meeting, with guest speaker Ben Matychuk from Campus Life Network. He shared information about the work the CLN does on campuses across the country, the methods of sharing the pro-life message with others, the responses they are getting, and the pro-life groups being started. He also spoke at King's Christian School in Salmon Arm.
Later in November we were able to send one of our members to the 'Change is in the Air 2019 National Pro-Life Conference' in Calgary. Many speakers were featured, including Cameron Cote, Laura Klassen, Christina Hagan, Natalie Sonnen, Alissa Golob, Mike Schouten, Justina Van Manen, Justin Van Maren, and others. She brought back full notes from all the workshops and speakers which are available for anyone who would like them! Please send us an email, or Facebook message if you are interested.
Thank you all for your continued support over the year. Without our members who volunteered, we would not have been able to put on these events and displays. We pray that minds and hearts were touched and that in this new year we will see an end to abortion.